Research Brief

The Three Forces Driving Lackluster Marketing

How do you connect with your audience? As marketers, we use every channel, tool, and tactic available to us to identify our audience, connect with them, and review the engagement metrics to learn how to improve our demand generation strategies.

Despite the widespread use of personas to align on an audience, our technology to find where customers are at, and reviewing the metrics to identify what’s working and what isn’t, poor marketing experiences are just as common as the good ones. What gives?

The ugly truth is that the drive toward personalization is getting in the way of your company’s growth. And this is not a singularity, but rather an issue that plagues marketers far and wide.



Our examination of hundreds of current marketing tactics, including messaging, offers, and engagements has revealed a need for a conscious effort to scale back existing practices and realign on a more one-to-one, human-to-human approach. The days of generic personalization must end, and the rise of true personalization is now. It's time for an upgraded growth marketing strategy.

Download this research brief to learn:

  • What forces are driving lackluster marketing
  • How to identify problems in your current marketing practices
  • How to shift course to human-to-human marketing  

Download report.