On-Demand Webinar

People, Not Personas: How to Humanize Your Marketing



Jay Famico

Chief Research Officer,
Iron Horse


Cheri Keith

Head of Strategy,


Jacques Bégin

Senior Director, Product Marketing,

Nothing has made the need for human connection more clear than the rapid shift to distance everything. At first, most of us loved working from home because it meant wearing our sweatpants all day, lounging on the couch in solitude, and ordering in lunch, but after a while, the need to see and interact with other people become a must even for the more introverted among us.

A bright spot is that since pandemic first made headlines, we’ve seen that it’s possible for marketing organizations to foster authentic interactions in largely digital environments—but more often than not, they don’t. The lack of a more humanized approach is hurting growth, and there's no excuse for it.

Join us for an examination of where current marketing practices fall short and to learn how to shift your thinking on some of marketing’s most cherished tools to create relationships that drive impactful, measurable growth.

In this webinar we will:

  • Present a model for being tech-enabled, rather than tech-led, so you can make sure your marketing technology is supporting business growth
  • Outline common mistakes with personas, and demonstrate how misapplying personas negatively impacts the relevancy of marketing tactics
  • Provide tips for determining which metrics look good on paper and which actually support your business goals
  • Share strategies for fostering human interactions in a digital world while not burning-out your marketing and sales teams

Watch the replay.