The 6 Crucial Components of a Successful ABM Program.


ABM isn’t just about implementing a new technology or platform; it's a fundamental shift in marketing and sales strategy. Iron Horse Chief Growth Officer, Monica Behncke, outlines the key steps to successful ABM implementation, plus common mistakes to avoid, and how companies can ensure ABM alignment internally across all stakeholders and departments.


Key takeaways.


ABM is more than just technology implementation.

To be successful, ABM requires alignment among internal stakeholders, including marketing, sales, operations, and IT.


Targeting is key for ABM success.

The ideal customer profile (ICP) must be clearly defined, and your target account list should match this profile.


Content creation and orchestration are critical to ABM.

Existing content should be repurposed to create assets like on-demand webinars, blogs, guides, and infographics to support ABM efforts.