Content Consumption Trends That Matter for 2024. 

Understanding content consumption trends and the modern buyer’s journey can help us create better, more efficient content. Iron Horse’s Amber Keller and NetLine’s David Fortino explored the state of B2B content consumption, trends in buyer behavior, and the marketing strategies that will be successful in 2024.

Originally aired on February 13th, 2024.

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Key takeaways.


The demand for gated B2B content is growing—rapidly.

Demand is up 77% over the past 5 years. The market is thirsty for differentiated, high-production, high-value content.


It’s critical to balance gated and ungated content.

Your ungated content should lead buyers to more substantial questions that can be answered in your gated content.


The content consumption gap is increasing.

The time between a prospect registering for a piece of content and actually consuming it is growing. Any follow-up activity needs to account for this gap.