Maximizing Revenue: Unifying Marketing and Sales for Success.


Mastering ABM principles isn’t easy—but it’s worth it. Iron Horse VP of Growth Strategy, Barbie Mattie, and Forrester’s Terry Flaherty discuss how high growth companies are closely aligning their marketing and sales functions to hone in on accounts, target buying group opportunities, and leverage data-driven insights for improved sales effectiveness.

Originally aired on May 30th, 2024.

Rather read a transcript of the session?


Key takeaways.


A focus on buying groups improves alignment.

Shifting from individual leads (MQLs) to buying groups significantly enhances account insights, which allows for more aligned and effective marketing and sales efforts. 


Technology delivers deeper account insights.

By leveraging your full ABM tech stack capabilities, both teams can get a more complete picture of the buying group, enabling them to act on detailed account signals and activity. 


A buyer group-centric approach requires change management.

By fostering Marketing and Sales collaboration, and implementing robust cultural and process changes, marketing and sales leaders can ensure that both teams are committed to targeting buying groups collaboratively.